Norman John Sollenberger Professor
Department of Operations Research and Financial Engineering (ORFE)
Currently, I am the Chair of ORFE and I am also affiliated with the Bendheim Center of Finance and with the Program in Applied & Computation Mathematics.
My research is on decisions under uncertainty and I work on related problems in stochastic optimal control, Markov decision processes, nonlinear partial differential equations, probability theory, mathematical finance and financial economics. Recently, I am interested in modern computational approaches to high dimensional stochastic optimal control and mean-field (or McKean-Vlasov) stochastic optimal control.
I have co-authored a book, with Wendell Fleming, on viscosity solutions and stochastic control; Controlled Markov Processes and Viscosity Solutions, Springer-Verlag, 1993 (second edition in 2006), and authored or co-authored several articles on nonlinear partial differential equations, viscosity solutions, stochastic optimal control and mathematical finance. The meeting METE 2018 provides an overview and the scope of my research interest and contributions.
Before 2019, I was a professor of mathematics and the Chair of the department at ETH Zürich (the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich). Previously, I also taught at Carnegie Mellon, and Sabanci and Koc Universities in Istanbul.
Currently, I am Editor-in-Chief of SIAM Journal of Financial Mathematics (SIFIN), a Co-Editor of Mathematics and Financial Economics (MAFE) and an associate editor for Finance and Stochastics, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, Mathematics of Operations Research.
During 2011-2016, I have been the Executive Secretary of the Bachelier Finance Society. In 2014, I received an Alexander von Humbolt Foundation Research Award. In 2015, I was elected as a SIAM Fellow. You may download my current CV here.